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Showing posts from October 29, 2017

Volcano Tornado

The children's interest in making a volcano and a tornado provided a perfect opportunity to show the different sounds in the words. One of the children said the words emphasizing the three sounds. So I wrote it that way.  She has read the words several times. Firstly saying it with the three separate sounds then blending them together to say the word in it's entirety.       

Differentiated Literacy Learning

To save their tower the children have been making "No Breaking" signs. Each child used different visuals to convey their message. One of the children was able to write the word "No" and he wrote it repetitively - trying to make sure his message gets across. Literacy learning is happening because of their play. Their play has given them a reason to communicate in a graphic manner. Each child was doing what they know how to do and learning from the others around them. This is differentiated literacy learning.